

  • “float”: Needs (“min”, “max”). {‘type’: ‘float’, ‘min’: -5.2, ‘max’: 5.7}

  • “int”: Needs (“min”, “max”). {‘type’: ‘int’, ‘min’: -5, ‘max’: 3}

  • “discrete”: Needs [list of items]. {‘type’: ‘discrete’, ‘items’: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]}

  • “discrete_numeric”: Needs [list of items] or [range of items]. {‘type’: ‘discrete_numeric’, ‘items’: [1, 2, 3]} or {‘type’: ‘discrete_numeric’, ‘items’: ‘0.0:0.25:1’} where items are “startpoint:stepsize:endpoint”. Note if passing explicit list, items need to be numeric.

  • “boolean”: {‘type’: ‘boolean’}

Config file options

List of fields from example config file:

–build_new_model_every 17 Train new GP every VALUE iterations

–capital_type realtime Type of capital (realtime indicates time)

–is_multi_objective 1 Boolean - 1 if problem multi-objective, 0 otherwise

–max_capital 100 Capital (time budget or number of evaluations)

–max_or_min min minimization or maximization problem

–opt_method ea TYPE can be bo, rand, ga, ea, direct, pdoo

–report_results_every 13 Frequency of reporting progress

All options: grep for “get_option_specs” which is defined here

Acquisition Function

acq: Which acquisition to use: ts, ucb, ei, ttei, bucb. If using multiple give them as a hyphen separated list e.g. ucb-ts-ei-ttei

acq_opt_max_evals: Number of evaluations when maximising acquisition. If negative uses default value.

acq_opt_method: Which optimiser to use when maximising the acquisition function.

acq_probs: With what probability should we choose each strategy given in acq. If “uniform” we we will use uniform probabilities and if “adaptive” we will use adaptive probabilities which weight acquisitions according to how well they do.

  • options: [‘uniform’, ‘adaptive’]. Can also pass…
  • ‘adaptive’: See here.

Additive Sub-structure

add_group_size_criterion: Specify how to pick the group size, should be one of {max, sampled}.

add_grouping_criterion: Specify the grouping algorithm, should be one of {randomised_ml}

add_max_group_size: The maximum number of groups in the additive grouping.

use_additive_gp: Whether or not to use an additive GP.

Multi-fidelity Optimization (incl. fidelity domain parameters): BOCA paper

boca_max_low_fidel_cost_ratio: If the fidel_cost_ratio is larger than this, just query at fidel_to_opt.

boca_thresh_coeff_init: The coefficient to use in determining the threshold for boca.

boca_thresh_multiplier: The amount by which to multiply/divide the threshold coeff for boca.

boca_thresh_window_length: The window length to keep checking if the target fidel_to_opt is achieved.

fidel_disc_hamming_use_same_weight: If true, use same weight for all dimensions of the hamming kernel.

fidel_disc_kernel_type: Kernel type for discrete domains.

fidel_disc_num_kernel_type: Type of kernel for the fidelity space. Should be se, matern, poly or expdecay

fidel_disc_num_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for the matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

fidel_disc_num_use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all integral fidelity dimensions. Applies only when fidel_kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

fidel_esp_kernel_type: Specify type of kernel. This depends on the application.

fidel_esp_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

fidel_esp_order: Order of the esp kernel.

fidel_euc_kernel_type: Type of kernel for the Euclidean part of the fidelity space. Should be se, matern, poly or expdecay

fidel_euc_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for the matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

fidel_euc_use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all Euclidean fidelity dimensions. Applies only when fidel_kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

fidel_init_method: Method to obtain initial fidels. Is used if get_initial_qinfos is None.

fidel_int_kernel_type: Type of kernel for the fidelity space. Should be se, matern, poly or expdecay

fidel_int_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for the matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

fidel_int_use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all integral fidelity dimensions. Applies only when fidel_kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

fidel_kernel_type: Type of kernel for the fidelity space. Should be se, matern, poly or expdecay

fidel_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for the matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

fidel_poly_order: Order of the polynomial for fidelity kernel. Default = -1 (means will tune)

fidel_use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all fidelity dimensions. Applies only when fidel_kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

fidel_use_same_scalings: If true, will use same scaling on all fidelity dimensions. Applies only when fidel_kernel_type is poly. Default=False.

init_set_to_fidel_to_opt_with_prob: Method to obtain initial fidels. Is used if get_initial_qinfos is None.

mf_strategy: Which multi-fidelity strategy to use. Should be one of {boca}.

target_fidel_to_opt_query_frac_max: A target to maintain on the number of queries to fidel_to_opt.

target_fidel_to_opt_query_frac_min: A target to maintain on the number of queries to fidel_to_opt.


build_new_model_every: Updates the model via a suitable procedure every this many iterations.

capital_type: Should be one of return_value, cputime, or realtime

init_capital: The capital to be used for initialisation.

init_capital_frac: The fraction of the total capital to be used for initialisation.

init_method: Method to obtain initial queries. Is used if get_initial_qinfos is None.


choose_mislabel_struct_coeffs: How to choose the mislabel and struct coefficients. Should be one of tune_coeffs or use_given. In the latter case, mislabel_coeffs and struct_coeffs should be non-empty.

Kernels, Distances and Domains (Multi-fidelity domain params are in the Multi-fidelity section above)

compute_kernel_from_dists: Should you compute the kernel from pairwise distances whenever possible.

dist_type: The type of distance. This should be lp, emd or lp-emd.

Rough structure below: {dom_disc, dom_euc, dom_int, domain} x {name}

dom_disc_hamming_use_same_weight: If true, use same weight for all dimensions of the hamming kernel.

dom_disc_kernel_type: Kernel type for discrete domains.

dom_disc_num_esp_kernel_type: Specify type of kernel. This depends on the application.

dom_disc_num_esp_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

dom_disc_num_esp_order: Order of the esp kernel.

dom_disc_num_kernel_type: Kernel type for discrete numeric domains.

dom_disc_num_matern_nu: Specify nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

dom_disc_num_poly_order: Order of the polynomial kernle to be used for Integral domains. Default is 1 (linear kernel).

dom_disc_num_use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all dimensions. Applies only when kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

dom_euc_add_group_size_criterion: Specify how to pick the group size, should be one of {max, sampled}.

dom_euc_add_grouping_criterion: Specify the grouping algorithm, should be one of {randomised_ml}

dom_euc_add_max_group_size: The maximum number of groups in the additive grouping.

dom_euc_esp_kernel_type: Specify type of kernel. This depends on the application.

dom_euc_esp_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

dom_euc_esp_order: Order of the esp kernel.

dom_euc_kernel_type: Kernel type for euclidean domains.

dom_euc_matern_nu: Specify nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

dom_euc_num_groups_per_group_size: The number of groups to try per group size.

dom_euc_poly_order: Order of the polynomial kernle to be used for Euclidean domains. Default is 1 (linear kernel).

dom_euc_use_additive_gp: Whether or not to use an additive GP.

dom_euc_use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all dimensions. Applies only when kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

dom_int_add_group_size_criterion: Specify how to pick the group size, should be one of {max, sampled}.

dom_int_add_grouping_criterion: Specify the grouping algorithm, should be one of {randomised_ml}

dom_int_add_max_group_size: The maximum number of groups in the additive grouping.

dom_int_esp_kernel_type: Specify type of kernel. This depends on the application.

dom_int_esp_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

dom_int_esp_order: Order of the esp kernel.

dom_int_kernel_type: Kernel type for integral domains.

dom_int_matern_nu: Specify nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

dom_int_num_groups_per_group_size: The number of groups to try per group size.

dom_int_poly_order: Order of the polynomial kernle to be used for Integral domains. Default is 1 (linear kernel).

dom_int_use_additive_gp: Whether or not to use an additive GP.

dom_int_use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all dimensions. Applies only when kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

dom_nn_kernel_type: Kernel type for NN Domains.

domain_add_group_size_criterion: Specify how to pick the group size, should be one of {max, sampled}.

domain_add_grouping_criterion: Specify the grouping algorithm, should be one of {randomised_ml}

domain_add_max_group_size: The maximum number of groups in the additive grouping.

domain_esp_kernel_type: Specify type of kernel. This depends on the application.

domain_esp_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

domain_esp_order: Order of the esp kernel.

domain_kernel_type: Type of kernel for the domain space. Should be se, matern or poly

domain_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for the matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

domain_num_groups_per_group_size: The number of groups to try per group size.

domain_poly_order: Order of the polynomial for domainity kernel. Default = -1 (means will fit)

domain_use_additive_gp: Whether or not to use an additive GP.

domain_use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all domain dimensions. Applies only when domain_kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

domain_use_same_scalings: If true, will use same scaling on all domainity dimensions. Applies only when domain_kernel_type is poly. Default=False.

emd_power: The powers to use in the EMD distance for the kernel.

esp_kernel_type: Specify type of kernel. This depends on the application.

esp_matern_nu: Specify the nu value for matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

esp_order: Order of the esp kernel.

euc_init_method: Method to obtain initial queries. Is used if get_initial_qinfos is None.

fitness_sampler_scaling_const: The scaling constant for sampling according to exp_probs.

get_initial_qinfos: A function to obtain initial qinfos.

Gaussian Process Bandits opt/

gpb_hp_tune_criterion: Which criterion to use when tuning hyper-parameters. Other options are post_sampling and post_mean.

gpb_hp_tune_probs: With what probability should we choose each strategy given in hp_tune_criterion.If “uniform” we we will use uniform probabilities and if “adaptive” we will use adaptive probabilities which weight acquisitions according to how well they do.

gpb_ml_hp_tune_opt: Which optimiser to use when maximising the tuning criterion.

gpb_post_hp_tune_burn: How many initial samples to ignore during sampling.

gpb_post_hp_tune_method: Which sampling to use when maximising the tuning criterion. Other option is nuts

gpb_post_hp_tune_offset: How many samples to ignore between samples.

gpb_prior_mean: The prior mean of the GP for the model.

handle_non_psd_kernels: How to handle kernels that are non-psd.

handle_parallel: How to handle parallelisations. Should be halluc or naive.

Gaussian Process Hyperparameter Selection gp/

hp_tune_criterion: Which criterion to use when tuning hyper-parameters. Other options are post_sampling and post_mean.

hp_tune_max_evals: How many evaluations to use when maximising the tuning criterion.

hp_tune_probs: With what probability should we choose each strategy given in hp_tune_criterion.If “uniform” we we will use uniform probabilities and if “adaptive” we will use adaptive probabilities which weight acquisitions according to how well they do.

post_hp_tune_burn: How many initial samples to ignore during sampling.

post_hp_tune_method: Which sampling to use when maximising the tuning criterion. Other option is nuts.

post_hp_tune_offset: How many samples to ignore between samples.

kernel_type: Specify type of kernel. This depends on the application.

lp_power: The powers to use in the LP distance for the kernel.

matern_nu: Specify the nu value for the matern kernel. If negative, will fit.

max_num_steps: If exceeds this many evaluations, stop.

mean_func: The mean function. If not None, will use this instead of theother options below

mean_func_const: The constant value to use if mean_func_type is const.

mean_func_type: Specify the type of mean function. Should be mean, median, const zero, or tune. If const, specifcy value in mean-func-const.

mislabel_coeffs: The mislabel coefficients specified as a string. If -1, it means we will tune.

ml_hp_tune_opt: Which optimiser to use when maximising the tuning criterion.

mode: If \, uses synchronous parallelisation, else asynchronous.

Multi-objective Optimization

moo_gpb_prior_means: Prior GP mean functions for Multi-objective GP bandits.

moo_strategy: Get name of multi-objective strategy. So far, Dragonfly only supports moors.

moors_reference_point: Reference point for MOORS.

moors_scalarisation: Scalarisation for MOORS. Should be “tchebychev” or “linear”.

moors_weight_sampler: A weight sampler for moors.

Load/Save Progress

progress_load_from: Load progress (from possibly a previous run) from this file.

progress_load_from_and_save_to: Load progress (from possibly a previous run) from and save results to this file. Overrides the progress_save_to and progress_load_from options.

progress_report_on_each_save: If true, will report each time results are saved.

progress_save_every: Save progress to progress_save_to every progress_save_every iterations.

progress_save_to: Save progress to this file.

Neural Architecture Search NAS

en_masse_dec_change_frac: Default change fraction when decreasing layers en_masse.

en_masse_inc_change_frac: Default change fraction when increasing layers en_masse.

single_dec_change_frac: Default change fraction when decreasing a single layer.

single_inc_change_frac: Default change fraction when increasing a single layer.

spawn_add_layer: Default number of networks to spawn by adding a layer.

spawn_del_layer: Default number of networks to spawn by deleting a layer.

spawn_single_dec_num_units: Default number of networks to spawn by decreasing # units in a single layer.

spawn_single_inc_num_units: Default number of networks to spawn by increasing # units in a single layer.

num_single_step_modifications: Default number of networks to spawn via single step primitives.

num_three_step_modifications: Default number of networks to spawn via three step primitives.

num_two_step_modifications: Default number of networks to spawn via two step primitives.

otmann_choose_mislabel_struct_coeffs: How to choose the mislabel and struct coefficients. Should be one of tune_coeffs or use_given. In the latter case, otmann_mislabel_coeffs and otmann_struct_coeffs should be non-empty.

otmann_dist_type: The type of distance. Should be lp, emd or lp-emd.

otmann_emd_power: The powers to use in the EMD distance for the kernel.

otmann_kernel_type: The Otmann kernel type. Should be one of lp, emd, lpemd_sum, or lpemd_prod.

otmann_lp_power: The powers to use in the LP distance for the kernel.

otmann_mislabel_coeffs: The mislabel coefficients specified as a string. If -1, it means we will tune.

otmann_non_assignment_penalty: The non-assignment penalty for the OTMANN distance.

otmann_struct_coeffs: The struct coefficients specified as a string. If -1, it means we will tune.

next_pt_std_thresh: If the std of the queried point queries below this times the kernel scale frequently we will reduce the bandwidth range

nn_report_results_every: If NN variables are present, report results more frequently

noise_var_label: The fraction of label variance to use as noise variance.

noise_var_type: Specify how to obtain the noise variance. Should be tune, label or value. Specify appropriate value in noise_var_label or noise_var_value

noise_var_value: The (absolute) value to use as noise variance.

non_assignment_penalty: The non-assignment penalty.

num_candidates_to_mutate_from: The number of candidates to choose the mutations from.

num_groups_per_group_size: The number of groups to try per group size.

num_init_evals: The number of evaluations for initialisation. If <0, will use default.

num_mutations_per_epoch: Number of mutations per epoch.

perturb_thresh: If the next point chosen is too close to an exisiting point by this times the diameter, then we will perturb the point a little bit before querying. This is mainly to avoid numerical stability issues.

poly_order: Order of the polynomial to be used. Default is 1 (linear kernel).

prev_evaluations: Data for any previous evaluations.

rand_exp_sampling_replace: Whether to replace already sampled values or not in rand_exp_sampling.

report_model_on_each_build: If True, will report the model each time it is built.

report_results_every: Report results every this many iterations.

shrink_kernel_with_time: If True, shrinks the kernel with time so that we don),

struct_coeffs: The struct coefficients specified as a string. If -1, it means we will tune.

track_every_time_step: If 1, it tracks every time step.

use_same_bandwidth: If true, will use same bandwidth on all dimensions. Applies only when kernel_type is se or matern. Default=False.

use_same_scalings: If true uses same scalings on all dimensions. Default is False.